The region is at a great point for opportunity—and with that opportunity comes great discussion on who the region is, what the future of the region holds, and where the region should focus on.

In order to shape those conversations further, a few things we need to celebrate about our region:

Just as Highway 101 and Stanford University is to Silicon Valley; Rt 128 and MIT is to Boston; NIH, I-270 and Johns Hopkins are to our region. Our region is positioned for thought leadership thanks to being to the federal government and top academic institutions being located in our region.

  • 3,959 patents are held by regional companies;
  • NIH awarded more than 457 awards totaling $221 million in the past year to companies in our region;
  • Venture funding was awarded to 19 companies totaling $262 million in the region (ranking the region 5th in the country) over the last year;
  • 38,189 biopharma jobs (region ranks 8th country-wide);
  • 9.5 million square feet of lab space in the region (ranked 4th in the country);

The future looks bright for the region. What can we do as business leaders to ensure a prosperous next chapter?

Special thanks to GEN Magazine for the wonderful support and statistics on our region.