Now is the time for companies to position themselves for the future. As you’ve heard me say since the beginning of the pandemic, I want to “return to better”, not return to normal. Using Scheer Partners as an example, we have been preparing for an economic comeback. Despite the pandemic, we onboarded new agents and opened a Philadelphia office.
In my professional life, I have to be better, more efficient, more creative and generally “tighter” than ever. The future is going to be challenging and in order to excel, I’m going to have to perform at a higher, more efficient level than ever before.
At Scheer Partners, I am pushing every employee to examine the way they have historically done business and view all of their activities with a highly critical eye. “What doesn’t work anymore in this environment?” “What can you try that’ll be more effective?”
Many people have commented on the pandemic’s silver lining if you look hard enough. Relationships have been reinforced, old connections renewed, hobbies pursued, and unrealized personal goals met during this pandemic. Companies too, have to find the silver lining and focus on how they can improve all aspects of their business.
This pandemic is both a cleanse, and a “siren call” for those who are listening.
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” ~Benjamin Franklin
Check out Episode 8 of my vlog:
Robert Scheer, Founder & President
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